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FDM Flyer Distribution Manchester vs Royal Mail door drops

FDM Flyer Distribution Manchester vs Royal Mail door drops

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This comparison outlines the distinctions between opting for a reliable and dedicated leaflet distribution company like FDM Flyer Distribution Manchester and utilizing Royal Mail door drop services. The primary goal of this comparison is to emphasize and present the strengths and weaknesses of each option, providing customers with a better understanding and familiarity when selecting their preferred door drop supplier. While various distribution companies exist, not all are equal, and not all deliver quality services to their clients.

Booking your direct marketing campaign: Royal Mail typically necessitates a booking at least 4-6 weeks in advance, with leaflets required three weeks before the campaign begins. In contrast, FDM requires only a 2-day notice and can even accommodate same-day bookings.

Delivery of promotional materials: Royal Mail requires flyers to be with them three weeks before distribution; otherwise, the campaign is canceled. FDM only requires one day's notice before distribution, allowing time for preparation and quantity measurement.

Sending stock to the depot: Royal Mail mandates counting and placing stock in boxes of no more than 10kg with clear labels. FDM requires only boxed leaflet counts.

Coverage areas: Royal Mail covers full postcode sectors, limiting specific targeting. FDM can target sub-postcode levels, areas, or even specific streets, providing more targeted distribution.

Volume and Minimum booking: Royal Mail requires a minimum booking of £500, potentially leading to unnecessary expenses for smaller target areas. FDM only requires a minimum of 1,000 leaflets, offering more flexibility.

Accountability of the Leaflet Distribution Businesses: Royal Mail considers a 10% non-delivery rate acceptable, while FDM aims for at least a 98% positive response rate, utilizing personal GPRS tracking for enhanced accountability.

Reporting & backchecking: Royal Mail conducts distribution over a week without informing clients about covered areas or completion. FDM keeps clients updated throughout the entire campaign, providing information on covered and ongoing areas, enabling better scheduling and preparation for service demand. For inquiries about leaflet distribution in Manchester, contact Trust FDM Flyer Distribution Manchester for a comprehensive and effective leaflet distribution service.



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